I am trying to set up a simple pricing spreadsheet for multipage brochures but am stuck on how to best use formulas to calculate the price.
The pricing of the brochures works on a set up cost (this is a fixed cost that is dependent on the number of pages, plus a cost per thousand, again based on the number of pages)
In a simple version, if the set up cost of a 4 page brochure is $134 and the run on cost per thousand is $15.50, I would have the formula
Where E9 = the quantity of brochures required
However, what I want to do is have a dropdown list which offers all the multipage options (i.e. 4 page, 8 page, 12 page) and then have the price formula use the relevant set up and run costs (which are both different for every option). So, an 8 page option might be $160 set up and $20 run on cost per thousand.
Is there a simple way to do this? Would I need some really complicated logical function with lots of trues and falses or is there another way to do this?
Hope I've made myself clear!
Thanks everyone.