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Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

    My question is in the sheet I have provided I have relevant destination from point"A" to point "B" to meet the parameter (Weight) to match the job(Mode type) and the relevant cost (Min cost) and will need to find the heading (The Min Value supplier) that the value was found under. I tried the Index, Match, IF formulas to find a solution however it is too complicating since there is too many variables involved. If there is other ways doing this problem please advice. I have attached a sample file.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert RobertMika's Avatar
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    Re: Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

    Could you provide an example?
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

    Could you pls provide some desired input in AS column?
    How about if weight>34000, i.e 40000 in C15?
    Quang PT

  4. #4
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    Re: Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

    So if weight is 34000 then its best to hire a B/double load and its cheapest provider in the pool is EE company B/Double Load so the AS column should provide answer "EE B/Double Load". If weight is more than 34,000 then It needs to provide two providers with the relevant other option as well.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert bebo021999's Avatar
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    Re: Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

    I made 2 name ranges:

    Place in row 5, Ctrl-F3:

    To define Type mod arcoding to lookup table:


    To define Min Price:


    In AS5:

    =INDEX($D$3:$AR$3,LOOKUP(MATCH(Min,$D5:$AR5,0),IF($D$3:$AR$3<>"",COLUMN($D$3:$AR$3)-COLUMN($D$3)+1,"")))&" "&Type

    It still not clear to me for weight > 40000, so #N/A is returned.

    Can you give expected result in AS15?
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  6. #6
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    Re: Creating index formula to find the Min value and heading with parameters

    Hi Bebo,
    Thank you for your response on this question it works for the given parameters I'll workout how to find when there is a need for additional mode type when weight is above 40,000. Thank you

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