I am taking a decimal degree (longitude) and converting it to binary then to hexadecimal. The value I am using is a Binary Angle 32 bit structure that will be translated into an 4-byte hexadecimal (with two characters per byte i.e. "20" is one byte and results in spaces).
This is what I have:
Input of 359.999999916 (in cell A2)
Cells B2 through AG2 I have converted A2 into binary (using formulas like "=IF(A2-180>0,1,0)" for cell B2, "=IF(A2-180*B2-90>0,1,0)" for cell C2, "=IF(A2-180*B2-90*C2-45>0,1,0)" for cell D2, and so on)
I then concatenated all of the results into one cell using the following formula:
To get a result of (located in cell A4):
However, when I attempted to use the BIN2HEX conversion on A4, I get a "NUM!" error. Here is the formula that I was using in cell A5:
What did I do wrong?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!