
I have the following data:

Column A = Date
Column B = Reservations made per day
for ex:

1 3/1/2011 5
2 4/5/2011 10
3 3/8/2011 15

Then I have a look up table where based on the date ranges it assigns a week number.

Week DATE Range 1 Date Range 2
7 18-Feb-11 24-Feb-11
8 25-Feb-11 03-Mar-11
9 04-Mar-11 10-Mar-11
10 11-Mar-11 17-Mar-11
11 18-Mar-11 24-Mar-11
12 25-Mar-11 31-Mar-11
13 01-Apr-11 07-Apr-11
14 08-Apr-11 14-Apr-11
15 15-Apr-11 21-Apr-11
16 22-Apr-11 28-Apr-11

I am looking for a fomula that would assign a week to the corresponding dates on column A and tha would then add all of the reservations booked for each week.

Thank you for your help.