Thanks for the simplified formula.
By present value I meant that, in cases where SettleDate_Blotter is different than TradeDate_Blotter, that is, when the security is traded today, but only settled tomorrow, this result should be multiplied by [1/(1+ daily interest rate)].
What I'm trying to figure out is a way of nesting this additional IF() function, which separates the lines in sheet 2 where the value in the vector TradeDate_Blotter is different than the one in the other vector, SettlDate_Blotter.
Of course the IF() function demanding that $B15 equals SettlDate_Blotter should remain active.
So, if $B15=SettlDate_Blotter, but SettlDate_Blotter is different than TradeDate_Blotter, the result should be multiplied by the discount factor. Otherwise, not.
Not sure if I'm making myself clear enough. It's pretty hard for a non-native speaker.
Many thanks in advance