Complete Excel newbie here.
I have a workbook consisting of two sheets: a Monthly Class Schedule (Divided into five one-week blocks. Each block's vertical is Mon to Fri, the horizontal is 9 class slots. There are 45 class slots pw). Each class has one student and the cells are filled 'Student Number, First Initial, Surname' eg, '666 J Smith'. Students may be scheduled for several class slots per week and some class slots have no students scheduled. When the student attends a 'P'is added at the beginning of the cell eg,'P 666 J Smith'.
The Student Attendance Report has the students listed vertically on the left, arranged by Student Number, and then a column for each week.
At the moment I have to manually count the classes each student has attended for each week and enter the attendance figures in the appropriate week column. It's a PitA so I want to automate the process by using the S#s in the Attendance Sheet to search the week blocks in the Schedule Sheet for 'P S#' and auto-fill the week columns in the Attendance Sheet. Any ideas will be very gratefully received by myself and the other teachers.Sched and Attend February 2014.xls