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Print Invoice by pulling info from database by selecting Invoice Number

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Swapnil Panchal Print Invoice by pulling info... 02-12-2014, 08:39 AM
Bernie Deitrick Re: Print Invoice by pulling... 02-12-2014, 11:21 AM
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    Question Print Invoice by pulling info from database by selecting Invoice Number

    I am currently using an excel sheet to record all my client details. I save the data of the clients in a tabular format containing multiple rows and columns, for eg, the invoice number goes in the first column (12 rows are merged), all of client info in 11 rows of next column, then products purchased in 12 different rows of the next column, the quantity of individual products purchased in the next column, their rates in next column, taxes applicable on them in next column, and the final amount in the next column. Then I calculate the total amount of all products purchased in the next column (all the 12 rows are merged).
    This is how i have tabulated 100s of invoice details. I print the invoice from a separate worksheet.
    Now is there a way by which i can pull data from the database of the invoices by selecting the invoice number so that the data automatically enters the respective cells on the invoice sheet so I can skip the copy/paste and retyping hassle so as to print a particular Bill..
    I am also attaching the excel file here. I have been a power user of excel creating huge calculative sheets and inventory management sheets so the ideas of If-Else, Index, Match, Lookup, etc. aren't New to me. While using Vlookup, Index & Match I am getting the first invoice details correctly displayed, the other invoice details do not come up correctly.

    I have tried explaining every bit of what I need by inserting comments at respective places in the sheet but still, If there is any confusion, please ask for a clarification.


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