Supplier complains.xls
Dear all, I have an excel status report, in which I try to make a formula to show the status, low, medium,high, depending on the drop down list combinations of characteristics choosen in the previous 6 colomns.
Please see attached file.
THis is how formula looks like:
=IF(OR(AND(D7="Incoming [1]");AND(OR(E7="Package [1]";E7="Identität [2]"));AND(OR(F7="Parts can be used with reservation [1]";F7="Defective parts sorted out [2]"));AND(OR(G7="no [1]";G7="yes [2]"));AND(H7="N/A");AND(OR(I7="Systematic [1]";I7="Single [2]")));"low";IF(OR(AND(OR(D7="Incoming [1]";D7="Production [2]"));AND(OR(E7="Package [1]";E7="Appeareance [3]";E7="Dimensional damage(crack)[4]";E7="Identität [2]"));AND(OR(F7="Parts can be used with reservation [1]";F7="Defective parts sorted out [2]";F7="Return [3]"));AND(OR(G7="no [1]";G7="yes [2]"));AND(H7="N/A)[1]");AND(OR(I7="Systematic [1]";I7="Single [2]")));"medium";IF(OR(AND(OR(D7="Incoming [1]";D7="Production [2]";D7="Costumer [3]"));AND(OR(E7="Package [1]";E7="Appeareance [3]";E7="Dimensional damage(crack)[4]";E7="Identität [2]";E7="Function[5]"));AND(OR(F7="Parts can be used with reservation [1]";F7="Defective parts sorted out [2]";F7="Return [3]";F7="Containment Level [5]"));AND(OR(G7="no [1]";G7="yes [2]"));AND(OR(H7="yes (100% sorting, escalation level)[5]";H7="no (request 8D or statement)[1]";H7="N/A)[1]"));AND(OR(I7="Systematic [1]";I7="Single [2]")));"high";"")))
I put up the formula I worked on, first part is working, than when should return medium or high is not working anymore.
If you have anyother idea that I can create this report , or to fix formula, will be very happy to discuss it. Please also take in consideration I need to make graphic after this report afterwards.
Thank you so much and hardly wait for your feed-back!