
I am trying to work with working days and holidays for 3 people.
For column I (Days from initial to reviewed), I am trying to calculate this:

Number (positive integer) of days between initial date and reviewed date taking into account weekends and holidays.
IF Initial = Reviewed, display zero days.
IF column D says 'D MacKenzie' - use dealist, IF 'S Agnew' use stevelist, IF 'I McIntosh' use ianlist.

I have this formula inputted to calculate due date (2 working days after initial) which accounts for holidays:
=IF(D12="D Mackenzie",WORKDAY(B12,2,deanlist))+IF(D12="S Agnew",WORKDAY(B12,2,stevelist))+IF(D12="I McIntosh",WORKDAY(B12,2,ianlist))

Thank you,

Data Trial - SAMPLE.xlsx