I tried. I could not figure it out.
I'm working on a VBA way of doing things right now and I'll post an updated file once I figure it out.
It would be nice to have a clearer understanding of how to do it in a non-VBA way... but the farther I go down the rabbit whole of INDEX( and MATCH( and OFFSET( and INDIRECT( ----- the more I find none of it really does exactly what I want. Or I need to have multiple redundant sheets of data to accomplish the lookup functions I want to accomplish.
I mean, it's "easy" if you have a couple of lists that work like the MANY examples I searched for and found on the Internet.
You have a range called "Type" and under it is "Fruit, Vegetables, Meats"
Then you have a range called "Vegetables" and under it is "Potato, Carrot, Celery"
That's fine for simple things. But I have a large range of data, with duplicate values, and multiple columns --- that I need to search through and cross-reference more like a database.
Which makes me wonder. Should I do this in Access instead?
Anyway. Blah blah. I'll be quiet now.