Hi guys,

Thanks for taking time out to read my query.

I found a great idea online for automating letter writing via excel. I am currently adapting it for my needs but I am a bit stuck.


(There is also a supporting file on that page)

You will notice that the indirect function is used to pull the correct info from a data sheet to fill out the blanks in the letter. This is changed by telling it which row you would like to use ( type record 1 or 2 etc and the information within the letter changes).

Rather than flick through every record or switch between the sheets to check, I would really like to be able to type in part of a reference number which it will recognise from the data sheet and then pull the information from the data sheet and enter into the letter.

So, if I search reference "4567" on the letter page, the information on the row that "4567" sits (within the data sheet), will be set as the current record and entered into the letter. Of course this will bring up a new set of issues such as what if two lines contain reference "4567" or if searching by name, what if multiple rows contain the same name.

About myself:
I have done some excel training but I am not well versed on all excel functions and generally have to research whatever it is I want to do or how to piece together formula or VBA code. So I would be hugely grateful if you can help me on this learning process.

Thanks again