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Master formula sheet works but is giving #NUM for data worksheet

  1. #1
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    Master formula sheet works but is giving #NUM for data worksheet

    I used a master document whilst setting up the worksheet ready to transfer the relevant data in and now I try and do this and have copied the formula into the relevant cells I am consistantly getting the error message.

    I am unsure what the cause is even when evaluating the formula as the EXcel datacode is displayed. I am wondering if it is the array that I have used and amended for each data set, or if now I am not graphing the data (I don't need them) the formula itself required the graphs (I believe this to be highly unlikely).

    I have attached my data and master sheet for people to try and help.

    I am aware in the first data set rows 3:9 I have an error in cell E3 as the graph starts within the specified range but that is another issue for another post, howver the other 5 where I have entered the formula should all be returning values.

    Thanks in advance

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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Master formula sheet works but is giving #NUM for data worksheet

    Isnt a problem a result of the second header row you have in your worksheet?
    If you delete it it shall be solved for the first few entries.

    But then I noticed you have a separate group below. So, forget about just deleting. Let's make a bold change - for instance in G11 array formula:
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    as you see we are using ROW(1:1) - it returns 1 in this line, but as we copy down 2,3, etc, so you have smallest, second smallest etc.
    Best Regards,


  3. #3
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    Re: Master formula sheet works but is giving #NUM for data worksheet

    Thanks Kaper

    This works for the first set but when I copy down through the other data sets gives me an #NA I have found that by entering the 1:1 for each serial Number it works. Is there any way to copy this down so it works all the way. I assume that using the $1:$1 will only give me the earliest date?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Kaper's Avatar
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    Re: Master formula sheet works but is giving #NUM for data worksheet

    in the first row of each section copy
    =SMALL(IF(ISNA(range in column E appropriate for present set),TRUE,range in column E appropriate for present set),ROW(1:1))
    then copy down all current set

    With data layout you are dealing with, it would be quite compliacted "one for all formula" - notice that in each set the formula has to refers to this set only.

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