
I can't wrap my brain around this so I was hoping someone could help me. I need to be able to count all the blanks in columns other than A but only until the last used cell in column A. I am using a formula right now that counts the blanks in column A until the last used cell but I don't know how to apply the range of column A to other columns like B and C. Here is an example of what I hope to accomplish:

Formula used in A1 that I need applied to other columns but with the range of column A

="Total Blanks: "&COUNTIF(INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(TRUE,A2:A8<>"",0)):INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(2,1/(A2:A8<>""))),"")

Here is an example of what B1 and C1, with the formula, would look like if it counted blanks but with the range of column A

Total Blanks: 3 Total Blanks: 6 Total Blanks: 2
Data Data
Data Data
Data Data

If anyone is able to help me with this, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.