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IF greater than, multiple by, and add range to next range multiplier.

  1. #1
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    IF greater than, multiple by, and add range to next range multiplier.

    We do some discounts for clients where we offer discounts on quantities. I have a column of figures and I can't for the life of me figure out how to add each range. I have the IF statement down to say, IF within this range THAN multiple by, but it doesn't add them together.

    0-15 Items = Free
    16-200 Items = $.75 each
    201-500 Items = $.50 each
    501+ = $.25 each

    So I have =IF(A1<16, A1*0, IF(A1<201, A1*0.75, IF(A1<501, A1*0.5, A1*0.25))) Assuming "A"column are my amounts

    Problem is that I want to add each range. So for 600 pieces, the first 15 are free, 16 thru 200 are .75 ea PLUS the $200 thru 500 are .50 PLUS the remaining 100 that are .25

    How can I add these together?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Ace_XL's Avatar
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    Re: IF greater than, multiple by, and add range to next range multiplier.


    =SUMPRODUCT(--(A1>{0;15;200;500}), (A1-{0;15;200;500}), {0;0.75;-0.25;-0.25})

    Well explained here
    Life's a spreadsheet, Excel!
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  3. #3
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    Re: IF greater than, multiple by, and add range to next range multiplier.

    Thanks Ace. You're my hero

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