Hey guys,

So I have some stats I have been tracking for NHL hockey games. I want to find a formula that is predictive of future outcomes, based on whether or not a team has a statistical advantage. Obviously, there are so many other factors, and there is no golden formula to accurately predict the winner of ever game. I want to find maybe a 70% success rate here. I want to be able to plug in all of the stats, and essentially have it tell me who statistically should win the game.

I have 11 independent variables (Stat A, B, C, D, E, etc.). I have a running total of how often the winning team had the stat advantage for each of these, and I think that should factor into the formula. My dependent variable is whether the team wins or not.

I was told somewhere else that running a regression model should help, but I have no idea how to do that with multiple independent variables.

Can someone help me out here? I'm not very good with Excel to begin with, lol, and I feel like I could use help.
