Haven't figured out a way to search for this particular question, and scrolling through thousands of conditional formatting posts would be a tad tedious ....

Column of cells next to a column of dates. Want the former to be either red, yellow, or green depending on whether the adjacent date is within one year, within the second year, or after the second year. Red is easy enough, ThatDate-Today<=365. The other two are tricky, as there can be anywhere from 1 to 365 days remaining in "Year 1," so how to refer numerically to Year 2 and Year 3 is eluding me. And then there's the whole "nested if" thing, which I understand in general but am not sure how to apply in a formula-driven conditional formatting situation. I could probably write a small, custom VBA function to do what I want, but surely it's possible to do this within the native Excel formulas and features ... ?