Hi all
I'm in the process of updating our old holiday spreadsheet and pretty sure there is an easier way to work out certain fields.
Our holiday year starts 1st Jan every year. We don't use this spreadsheet to work out the standard entitlement, the administrator just mass fills them out (no more than 20 employees) on the first.
What I do need the sheet to calculate though is extra days. For every 3 years, we gain an extra day holiday.
So far I have worked out the "Years Service" from the holiday start year subtracting the employee start date. =DATEDIF(A7,$B$3,"y")
From this, I need to work out the extra day entitlement. If the employee is 3,4 or 5 years then it's 1 extra day. 6,7,8 then 2 extra days etc.
To be honest I could use this to work out the standard entitlement and have a separate column for signed off carry over days etc.
Any help appreciated. (date format is UK - dd/mm/yyyy)