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Need some help with "nested if statements function" & "classifiying the group category"

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Lyaliuae Need some help with "nested... 01-15-2014, 08:42 AM
:) Sixthsense :) Re: Need some help with... 01-15-2014, 08:53 AM
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    Need some help with "nested if statements function" & "classifiying the group category"


    First of all, thank you for all the efforts that you’ve done for the community!

    Let’s move on, I need some help with this excel file.

    please find the attached file.
    I’ve asked to create fields the same idea as the one that is used in this excel file by using: “nested if statements” for “Total Absences in Days for each employee” in the file you can find it.

    Also, classifiying the absences into groups same as the one in the same file.

    So, can you give me the exact formula for : “nested if statements” for the Total Absences in Days for each employee in the attached excel or any idea on how to solve it?

    Also, the formula for the group field for each employee after finding the Total Absences in Days for each employee ?

    Or any advice would be much appreciated!

    Thank you very much for all the efforts.
    Last edited by Lyaliuae; 01-15-2014 at 08:45 AM.

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