Hello. I am new on this forum and would like some assistance. Our nonprofit association is having a conference. We want to assign barcode identification numbers to all registrants and check them into the conference with a barcode reader that searches for their registration in our excel spreadsheet. I have the barcode reader, am able to generate individual barcodes and the barcodes can be inserted into excel. What I need: a vlookup function statement that will search for their barcode in the spreadsheet when we scan their barcode identification number from their registration confirmation letter, then highlight (change color) their row on the spreadsheet. We would like to have a pop up message on the computer screen confirming the match. I assume a vb program imbedded in a vlookup function statement as well as an IF statement as part of the vlookup statement might do this? Could someone assist me in creating such? Many thanks in advance.
Attached is a sample data sheet. Column A1 would be where barcode would be scanned. (see first row) I would like the successful vlookup response to color highlight that row (see green highlight) upon successful match and in the row titled "checked in" to insert "YES". If search is successful, would also like a pop up message that says "Welcome! You are Checked in." I hope this helps clarify.
Thank you for any assistance.