Good day
Pilfered some formulas from this board and the WWW but after a few very frustrating hours still no working solution. Excel 2010 windows 8

I am in need of a formula to count filtered results. On Sheet1 (Job Flow) the user enters data continually . The most important is the Date in column D some measurements in columns N,O & P that gives a result as a code, example s15020 or c3005 in column Q. A vlookup is then pulls up a price for the code.

On sheet two Column A There is a list of all the codes. I need a formula that will give a count in column B for the amount of codes that was entered in to the data base "sold" for a date filtered time period, be it a week, month or year. In other words the codes in ,column A sheet 2, should reflect the amount of units for the time filter on page1.

If tried the following formula but with not much success
=SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3;OFFSET('Job flow'!Q3:Q5000;ROW('Job flow'!Q3:Q5000)-ROW('Job flow'!Q3);0;1));--('Job flow'!Q3:Q5000="c10"))
Any help will be greatly appreciated
