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Generating averages in a blank column based on information in column 1 and 2

  1. #1
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    Generating averages in a blank column based on information in column 1 and 2

    I am creating a class evaluation spreadsheet where an administrator can enter information into a spreadsheet on a given class and the top of the sheet if structured to provide metrics about the information listed below. In Column A I have listed a drop down of 24 different classes offered, where the administrator can select a class. In Column B I have a drop down of evaluation scores that can be selected (0-5 listed in increments of 0.25). In a separate section of the spreadsheet I would like to be able to generate an average for a specific class. So essentially the function would be set up to search a range of the spreadsheet to see if, say, Building Effective Teams Class was selected and then if it was, average the evaluation scores for that class. Is there a way to do this?

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Generating averages in a blank column based on information in column 1 and 2

    Does it input the evaluation on a datasheet? It sounds like an administrator chooses a class, chosses a score... Then what?
    Does Macro move the score to a datasheet, or does the administrator move down a row, choose another class, and chosse a score etc...

  3. #3
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    Re: Generating averages in a blank column based on information in column 1 and 2

    The input from the evaluation would be on the data sheet, yes. The sheet is set up with a section at the top that will house the average score for each class, as concluded from the formula that hopefully I will be able to obtain from this forum. The administrator would move down a row to enter in the average evaluation for a different class. I am not sure how macros work, so I am just working with functions to manipulate the sheet how it needs to be done

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