Hi there,
I have a dataset that, due to the nature of how it is generated, separates certain orders into separate rows. Which orders these are is irrelevant, I just need a quick and easy way to make excel re-combine these rows in to one entry, and sum up the data in one particular column in the process of doing this.
The separate entries of a single order can be identified by the data in 3 columns matching - I have attached an example to help explain and understand this.
help file.xls
The constituent parts of the same order can be identified when the country, city, and code columns all have matching data as you read down. E.g., where Country City Code
a 1 12345
a 1 12345
a 1 12345
Where this is the case, I want excel to automatically sum the count of shops for this order and then delete all but one of these rows, with the remaining row now containing this summed figure. Failing this, a new worksheet being generated/a new column giving me this data would be good.
Please help! I am doing this for a friend and am completely stumped as to how I would go about doing this.