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Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

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    Post Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    Putting Dates in Column A... Putting Amounts in Column B...
    Suppose today is 13/12/13... Last Cell should show.. 4000
    2000 12/12/13
    4000 13/12/13
    5000 15/12/13
    10000 13/12/13
    Last edited by sufian.naeem; 12-18-2013 at 09:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    If the date you were looking for was in cell D1, you could use:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    ="Today's = " & INDEX($A$1:$A$4,MATCH($D$1,$B$1:$B$4,0))

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    The Formula isn't actually working the way i wanted it to ...
    Quote Originally Posted by TMShucks View Post
    If the date you were looking for was in cell D1, you could use:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    ="Today's = " & INDEX($A$1:$A$4,MATCH($D$1,$B$1:$B$4,0))

    Regards, TMS

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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

  5. #5
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    The Formula isn't actually working the way i wanted it to ...
    So, how did you want it to work?

    In your original post, you said
    Putting Dates in Column A... Putting Amounts in Column B
    But then the example showed amounts and dates.

    I worked with the the sample data, rather than what you said.

    In the sample workbook that you uploaded to Dropbox, there are two dates, column A and column D, and an amount in column E. You haven't put any data in the workbook. And the formula in the merged cell in A2 is =NOW() which will also include the time.

    So, taking all that into account, and assuming you want to look at the date in column D rather than column A (if they're different), the formula would be:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    ="Today's = Rs. " & TEXT(INDEX($E$4:$E$38,MATCH(INT($A$2),$D$4:$D$38,0)),"0,000")

    Regards, TMS

  6. #6
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    I want total "today's" to be Rs.: 55100 ..
    Quote Originally Posted by TMShucks View Post
    So, how did you want it to work?

    In your original post, you said

    But then the example showed amounts and dates.

    I worked with the the sample data, rather than what you said.

    In the sample workbook that you uploaded to Dropbox, there are two dates, column A and column D, and an amount in column E. You haven't put any data in the workbook. And the formula in the merged cell in A2 is =NOW() which will also include the time.

    So, taking all that into account, and assuming you want to look at the date in column D rather than column A (if they're different), the formula would be:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    ="Today's = Rs. " & TEXT(INDEX($E$4:$E$38,MATCH(INT($A$2),$D$4:$D$38,0)),"0,000")

    Regards, TMS

  7. #7
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    It should add up all amounts of "Today's Date" at the end..
    and showing "today's" isnt really important... just the amount..

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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

  9. #9
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    You know, I'm pretty sure you've changed that last cell from 4000 to 14000. But you didn't change the description of what you expected there.

    Suppose today is 13/12/13... Last Cell should show.. 4000
    Which is what you got (using INDEX/MATCH).

    If you want to get the total for one criterion, use SUMIF. If you have several criteria, use SUMIFS.

    I'll leave it with you to look at the Help because I'm not very happy about you going back and moving the goalposts.

  10. #10
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    LOL... im so sorry .. so sorry .. actually .. i changed it coz... i wanted You guys to know that i want to sum up 2 values.. not one.. and thats my mistake that i dint change "Suppose today is 13/12/13... Last Cell should show.. 4000" it needed to be changed as well.. well i dint want U to think of Me like im trying to be funny, wasting Your time..
    Please Guide...
    Quote Originally Posted by TMShucks View Post
    You know, I'm pretty sure you've changed that last cell from 4000 to 14000. But you didn't change the description of what you expected there.

    Which is what you got (using INDEX/MATCH).

    If you want to get the total for one criterion, use SUMIF. If you have several criteria, use SUMIFS.

    I'll leave it with you to look at the Help because I'm not very happy about you going back and moving the goalposts.

  11. #11
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    Re: Putting Date in One Cell and Amount in the other... to get ---

    Then ...
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =SUMIF(Table1[S. Date],INT(A2),Table1[Amount])

    Regards, TMS

  12. #12
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