Hi. First time post, so let me know if I do anything incorrect.

Anyhow, I am trying to get a report done for work tomorrow and I am having an issue with COUNTIFS.
This worked on a previous workbook, so I don't know why it isn't working now.

Here is the formula that I am using:

=COUNTIFS('Full Report'!E2:E1475,A2,'Full Report'!B2:B1500,B1)

As I said, when I put in this formula, it returns with #VALUE!

However, when I split the formula into two, each returns a value:

=COUNTIFS('Full Report'!E2:E1475,'Issues by Carrier'!A2)


=COUNTIFS('Full Report'!B2:B1500,B1)

And, to be sure, I manually counted and there are plenty of cells that meet both criteria.

Any help is appreciated.