Sub first50()
Dim w1 As Worksheet
Dim w2 As Worksheet
Set w1 = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set w2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
Dim r As Range
Dim lc As Long
lc = w1.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set r = w1.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(50, lc))
r.Copy w2.Range("A1")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
How to install your new code
- Copy the Excel VBA code
- Select the workbook in which you want to store the Excel VBA code
- Press Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
- Choose Insert > Module
- Edit > Paste the macro into the module that appeared
- Close the VBEditor
- Save your workbook (Excel 2007+ select a macro-enabled file format, like *.xlsm)
To run the Excel VBA code:- Press Alt-F8 to open the macro list
- Select a macro in the list
- Click the Run button