Hello all, first time poster.
I've searched this question but can never get the exact answer I am seeking. My knowledge of Excel is a bit limited to reach the answer, so I'm looking to you guys.
I have attached an Excel workbook that contains my issue. I am trying to pull data from the "Insurance Data," tab to be filled into the correct cells in my summary tab.
The issue I am having is pulling all of the Insurances that meet the date requirements in the rows section on my summary page. It seems I have two issues, for example:
1) Cell B2 should show $50 and it does. However, cell B3 should show $40 and it is not.
I understand that I need to create a formula that only pulls data is if meets two criteria, but I do not know how to create a formula like this. In the past I created two index match formulas then put them into a sumif formula, but I feel this route may lead to errors and is cumbersome.
2) Insurance 8 has two amounts for the same data (11/9/2013). How do I set up a formula to add together all of the amounts that are on the same date, then return that total to the correct cell on my summary sheet?
I do not know where to begin with this issue. Upon looking up similar questions from users I have noticed the sumproduct formula being used frequently, though I am not sure how to implement the sumproduct formula in combination with other formulas to reach my desired result.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to clarify my question.
Thank you for your time.