Hi people !
My friend and I have created a Wallyball league (volleyball played on a squash court). Every week we have more and more players and making the teams is more and more complicated and time consuming. I created this Excel file to try and generate random teams faster.
team selection.xlsx
the file consist of :
- Jersey no. and player (A and B)
- rating if playing (C)
- rating (D)
- playing on a given day 0 or 1 (E)
- wallyball courts to generate random teams with a team rating and differential rating.
the only thing it needs is a non-repeating function (as of now, one player can be selected many times)
also, the players should not be selected if they are not playing on a given day (column E = 0)
I have to do this WITHOUT using macro (1. I'm not familiar with macros ; 2. I have a free starter version of Excel, I don't think macros are enabled)
thanks for any help !