I'm pretty new to excel but think I've come a long way and have now reached my bump in the road.
I have a workbook with five sheets.
My first sheet is a "tracker" of sorts.
Columns D, E, F, and G have their title and right below (row 2) there are drop down menus with options corresoponding to the "title"
D1=Category (title)
D2 (drop down) = "Activation" (an option) which a has a numeric value attached to it.
The formula =vlookup(D2, Sheet2!A12:B12, 2, FALSE) is attached to Column "I" which provides me with the amount earned from said "activation"
However, when I move on to D3 and select "Activation" Column "I" will not populate with the numeric earning.
Eventually columns D, E, F, and G will be added together and ideally populate column "I" (which I've managed to work, but only on one row.)
So I'm doing something wrong, I'm just not sure what.
Help would be greatly appreciated.