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Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

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  1. #1
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    Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

    Hello Friends

    Ms Excel : 2010, Please refer the attached file <Check and plot the value.xlsx>

    I want to check the all the sums and the K3 Value, if it is equal then plot the value in E4, otherwise plot as "Check"

    1) K3 value
    2) SUM(E6:E7)
    3) SUM(E9:E13)
    4) SUM(E15:E16)
    5) SUM(E18:E19)
    6) SUM(E21:E22)

    If all the values is equal i.e., K3 = SUM(E6:E7) = SUM(E9:E13) = SUM(E15:E16) = SUM(E18:E19) = SUM(E21:E22)
    then plot the value, if not then plot "Check"

    I my self return the formula using IF and AND but it is not working
    For check the formula even if i changed the value in the any (leads to sum) cell to make the unequal values and to plot `Check' still it shows value.

    I could not able to find where i made a mistake.


    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

    1 way

    Formula: copy to clipboard


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  3. #3
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    Re: Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

    Try in E4:
    Any good? Yes? Hit the little star at the bottom left of my responses

  4. #4
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

    May be this......

    K3 =IF(AND(SUM(E6:E7)=SUM(E9:E13),SUM(E9:E13)=SUM(E15:E16),SUM(E15:E16)=SUM(E18:E19),SUM(E18:E19)=SUM(E21:E22)),SUM(E6:E7),"Check")
    Sorry I completely missed the question.
    The correct one is as below......

    E4 =IF(AND(SUM(E6:E7)=K3,SUM(E9:E13)=K3,SUM(E15:E16)=K3,SUM(E18:E19)=K3,SUM(E21:E22)=K3),K3,"Check")
    Last edited by sktneer; 12-06-2013 at 04:21 AM.

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  5. #5
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

    I think you have forgotten the basic rule of logical arguments, you HAVE to test EACH argument for the condition individually, UNLESS the condition itself resolves to zero/not zero, so maybe this:
    Formula: copy to clipboard

    Hope this helps
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  6. #6
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Check all the SUM and if the value is unique then Plot

    Hello All


    Now i understood the problem in my formula.



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