Here is the formula I am using: =INDEX(N16:N65,MATCH(LOOKUP(9.99E+307,I16:I65),I16:I65,0))

My purpose with this is to find the last value entered in a column and return the corresponding value in the same row, different column. For example the last number in Column I was entered for December 3rd, 2013 and is a 4.46 in Cell I33. The cell with the formula above then identifies Cell N33 and reports back the value of that cell, in this case it was -22%.
The problem I having is if 4.46 exists earlier in column I, the above formula is returning the value from that earlier instance instead of the most recent. Further example, a 4.46 was entered for December 3rd. A 4.46 was previously entered for October 28th, however the formula I have above is reporting row data from that instance instead of what I want - December 3rd.

Is there a way or formula adjustment to correct this so that I can always have returned the last number entered? I have found a work-around by typing 4.460000001 as a means to distinguish one number from the other without greatly altering my calculations. I am wondering if it is just a glitch as well.

Thank You