Hi Guys,
not sure how best to explain this, but here goes. There is an attaached sample worksheet with some made up data, however the formatting is correct.
On sheet 1, I want to enter a date (which is the monday of that specific week), then I'd like excel to use that date to find a column on 'Mgr Relief', search that column for all instances of the value "Free", and return the staff name/s from column B on Mgr Relief, to sheet 1, in a list form.
it doesn't need to be pretty, the data on Sheet 1 won't be stored, it will just be used to tell me which staff are available any given week. The end result would be find a vacancy (based on other software), open this spreadsheet, enter a monday-date, receive list of names that are available staff, fill vacancy, close spreadsheet without saving.
I'm aware I could just use 'hide' or 'filter' or just manually search my existing database (a portion of which is represented by the Mgr Relief sheet) but my actual database is huge, in both staff numbers and number of weeks present, making a manual search a pain, and I have some other formula's going on that don't like hide/filter. Also, I think this would be a much more efficient/elegant solution. Enter date, receive list of available staff, done and dusted.
Thanks guys!
Sample Workbook.xlsx