I have been trying various combinations of formulas using if and vlookup and I am just not getting the results I want. I have a workbook that has a sheet with 3 columns. Column A is Parent Fish 1 and Column B is Parent Fish 2. Column 3 is the name of the fish when A & B are bred. On another sheet I want the fish name that is bred from the parent fish.
The problem is that the parent fish I try to match could be in either A or B.
Logically, I am trying to do:
If (Parent Fish 1 = a2 and Parent Fish 2 = d2) or Parent Fish 1 = d2 and Parent Fish 2 = a2) then look up and show the Bred Fish for these parents.
I have uploaded a small sample file if that would help. I am using Excel:Mac 2011
Thank you,