Ok, so first of all I'm going to place the formula here but my excel version is in portuguese so after placing the formula i'll put a little index on bot to explain the differences.

=SE(Matches!$C:$C="Yes";CONTAR.SE.S(Matches!$D:$D;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$F:$F;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!L:L;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$N:$N;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$U:$U;'Hero Use '!A3);CONTAR.SE.S(Matches!$E:$E;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$G:$G;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$M:$M;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$O:$O;'Hero Use '!A3;Matches!$T:$T;'Hero Use '!A3))


So I have 2 spreadsheets, "Hero Use" and "Matches". On the "Matches" spreadsheet I manually input data.
On the "Hero Use" I have this formula which I want it to go fetch info from the "Matches" spreadsheet to fill itself up.

First thing I want the formula to do is check the column C on "Matches" and see if it is "Yes" or "No", if it is "Yes" then I want it to check columns D, F , L, N and U; If it's "No" I want it to check columns E, G, M, O and T.

Now I want to check these columns to see if it matches the name on "Hero Use" spreadsheet in column A. If it does, then I want it to Count it and keep adding it up. I will overtime fill in more "Matches" info and I want it to keep counting.

I guess that is it. If anyone is able to help me and needs more info let me know.

Thank you all in advance.