I need help completing an IF or And formula for my data attached.
I have entered a Formula =IF(AND(B2="Debit"),"Debit/Credit's",IF(AND(B2="Standard"),"Standard Invoice",IF(AND(B2="Prepayment"),"Prepayment",IF(AND(B2="Credit"),"Debit/Credit's",1)))) in Cell F2 that returns me a value if cell B2 is a specific Invoice Type. However I need to build on this Formula for results that are Standard Invoice's Only.
So if its a Standard Invoice and Column C is "N" then I need to return "Complete"
and if its "Y" is the tricky part as:
I then need to look at the Column D "Due Date" to see if the Date is less than today's date in H1 and return "Overdue", or If it is between today's date and today's date +7 return "Due within 7 Day's" and finally if it is greater than today's Date + 7 return "Due Greater than 7 Day's".
Im not sure if such a formula is possible but any help I could get on this would be great as this is something I have to manually break out each day for 20,000 + Lines
Thanks in Advance