Hi Everyone,
I am stuck in my spreadsheet and need some assistance. Basically i have a document that is multiple sheets with the first sheet being a summary of all sheets. How i need the sheet to work is as follows, when i enter a new row (above the previous first row or previous row 2):
Row 2 (New row): =Sheetname!B228+Sheetname!D228
Row 3: =Sheetname!B227+Sheetname!D227
Row 4: =Sheetname!B226+Sheetname!D226
The sheet automatically formats with:
Row 2 (New row): =Sheetname!B226+Sheetname!D226
Row 3: =Sheetname!B227+Sheetname!D227
Row 4: =Sheetname!B228+Sheetname!D228
I need a formula to fix the automatic change to be in actual order so any new rows are calculated in backwards order. Can anybody help please?
Thanks in advance.