I have a problem in which it states:
Enter a formula in the Score column to calculate an applicant's admission score. Apply the multiplier (found in the Miscellaneous Standards & Filter range) to the student's GPA, and then add that score to the SAT.
I know I need to add the SAT to the GPA, but I don't need to multiply them. I don’t have any other numbers in which to create a formula that would create the GPA then add the SAT. I’m new to Excel 2010. I haven’t figured out where to find the ‘Miscellaneous Standards & Filter’, much less apply the multiplier to the GPA so that I can then add the SAT scores to get my final score.
I’ve Googled, YouTubed, and everything in between that I can think of to find the answer or help I need. The textbook only references how to multiply in various methods.
Please, can someone help simplify this for me?!?!
Thank you!