First time on this forum. I desperately need help with the following issue.
Cannot figure out how to match parameters based on more than one cell on a data sheet and lookup the instersecting result in a table another sheet (Sheet2).
There are 3 lookup parameters in this particular case. 2 cells cover a business name and business unit which need to match with first 2 rows of cells in the Sheet2!table followed by the corresponding business 'status' which can alter from month to month. There is 60 months of current and historical Business/Unit status in the table.
The third parameter cell is a month/year date (e.g. Sep13) which can be manually altered and matches with the column headings in the Sheet2 table.
I have provided an example.xlxs attachment which I hope makes more sense.
I have a had a few goes with Index and Match but just cannot get a handle on this.
Any help would be very grateful