With the help of this forum, I've successfully been able to set up a spreadsheet which allows me to add a series of non periodic numbers based on whether the value falls within a certain date range. Thank you!

What would make this even better is if I could have the SUMIFS formula update off dates that are in separate cells so I can do a quick update each quarter and year without having to go into the formulas and edit them as each period changes. At the moment I have ">=7/1/13" in Criteria1 and "<=9/30/13" in Criteria2. Next quarter I'll want ">=10/1/13" in Criteria1 and "<=12/31/13" in Criteria2 but when I try to link it to a cell with the dates in it I get zeroes, not even an error message which makes me think its possible.

Anyone been successful with this concept?

