Hello would anyone mind giving me a hand with the indirect function but let me start with what I am trying to achieve basically I will have a list of excel documents which are all invoices containing a cell with cash values and they will all be named the same except the digit at the end is incremented by 1 so what I want is a excel document that can pull the cash value from each invoice but I want it to pull the name of the file from a cell which I will input the name of the invoice. So far I have two test documents and in the first I have A1 as the excel document name B1 as the sheet name and C1 as the cell I want to the pull the info from and I have created a seperate spreadsheet with the same name as in A1 and the same sheet names as in B1 and placed random data in C1 and used this code to pull from it =INDIRECT("'["&A1&".xlsx]"&B1&"'!"&C1). This works however I want to make it so rather then using the values of B1 and C1 I can just type in a sheet name and cell name as this will remain a constant but any way I try and enter it, it will not accept it. Any help would be great and thank you in advance.