I had gotten this answer done before using numbers but now need to change it to text. Please see my prevously solved post for the numbered issue:
Now instead of this formula I will need to replace the EmployeeID number sheet with the EmployeeName in alphabetical order.=IFERROR(INDEX('Data-EmployeeStatus'!$A2:$A10000,SMALL(IF('Data-EmployeeStatus'!$E2:$E10000="Active",IF('Data-EmployeeStatus'!$C2:$C10000='Department Summary'!$A3,ROW('Data-EmployeeStatus'!$C2:$C10000)-MIN(ROW('Data-EmployeeStatus'!$C2:$C10000))+1)),COLUMNS($A:A))),"")
Please see example in "Department Summary". I did the two different groups by hand but i'm looking to pull from the "Data-EmployeeStatus" sheet all the information horizontally; with the critia that it only be active people and to display just their unique name in alphabetical order.
Thanks in advance for all your help!