Hi there,

A simple question but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

I have this formula to add up one weeks worth of shifts: =SUM('Shift Data'!D3:D16)
I want the row below to add up the following week, thus: =SUM('Shift Data'!D17:D30)

However, when I went to drag the formula down from there it does this:
=SUM('Shift Data'!D5:D18)
=SUM('Shift Data'!D19:D32)
=SUM('Shift Data'!D7:D20)

It's increasing the cell reference by x each time (x being the number of cells I highlight before dragging down) so in this case it increases both by two as I'm highlighting two cells.

Is there any way to get excel to automatically copy the formula and get it to change the range to the next 14 cells? Or is it a manual job?
