Quote Originally Posted by XOR LX View Post
And you're sure you know how to enter array formulas in Excel? Works fine for me based on your attachment.

That's probably where I'm having the issue. I do not use array formulas much so my apologies for my lack of experience in this. Here is what I did, but I'm sure something is wrong. I entered in cell D13 of the ROLL UP Tab the following formula {=SUM(IFERROR((N(OFFSET(INDIRECT(WS_Names&"!D20"),,,,))=C13)*(N(OFFSET(INDIRECT(WS_Names&"!P20"),,,,))),""))} (I thought you use the {} in arrays) then used CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. this is after creating the WS_Names as your instructions noted. What did I do wrong.. as I'm sure my inexperience here isn't helping. Thank you so much for your willingness to help.