Okay, so this is really good. This formula, however, when I fill down, changes every cell in the filled range.
I modified the formula slightly to try fix this: e.g =MOD(COUNTIF(B3:B27,"test 1"),10)+1
However, what happens is that the numbers are changing at the top of the range, so that:
Expected = 10, 9, 8.... i.e. the 10 is fixed and the following cells countdown, until ten again.
Actual = 2,1,10,9... i.e. the 10 moves down the range
It's incredibly frustrating to be so close to getting it to work, but it only works backward! LOL
It needs only to change only in a correpsonding cell in the row.
Test 1 | 1-1
Test 1 | 1-2
Test 1 | 1-3
...etc | 1-10
Test 1 | 2-1
Test 1 | 2-2
Test 1 | 2-3
...etc | 2-10
I know the effort required to work on these formulas so i really appreciate yours. Thanks so much.