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Double counting based on COUNTIFS with OR statement

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    Exclamation Double counting based on COUNTIFS with OR statement

    Hello people:

    I have been using this formula to count agents based on time frames which includes OR function: Example:

    =IF(COUNTIFS(AR:AR,"<="&TIME(8,0,0),AO:AO,$AO$2:$AO$10) + COUNTIFS(AQ:AQ,"<="&TIME(8,0,0),AR:AR,"online",AO:AO,$AO$2:AO$10),"1","0")

    (AO Column) includes the agents that have Logged Out at specific Times (Column AR) or if Agents are "Online" (not logged out) (Column AR) as well .

    AO2 is where first agent is listed , although it is not necessary to have each agent's name on time frame count. The most important result is to have a general count of agents for each time frame.

    It works for each row, it gives "1" value if countifs operations results positive for at least 1 of the variables, either logged in or logged at specific time frame.

    The only issue I have not been able to figure out is how to tell Excel not to duplicate agents names for each time frame, in example formula all agents are listed on column AO:AO, and for example if Agent X is listed 10 times on such time frame, then excel counts Agent "Paul" 10 times on rows with a 1, that would mean agent was working on such time frame.

    That is fine but I would like to know if Excel can interpret that there is only 1 Agent named Paul for each time frame.

    Is there a way to avoid multiple counting for each agent?

    Thanks very much!!
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    Last edited by figo12; 11-10-2013 at 05:26 PM.

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