ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a tool used to test the equality of means using variances.
See or or
any statistics book.

Just by looking at your data it appears that the last item is an OUTLIER and should be
removed from the data set. It also appears that the 7th item (sample size of 54) is probably
also an outlier.

Each item from your chart comes from a mathematical formula or from a chart in a statistics table.

SS stands for 'sum of squares'.

df stands for 'degrees of freedom'

MS stands for 'mean squares'

F stands for the calculated 'F' statistic used to test ANOVA

Fcritical is from a chart in a statistics book indicating the statistical significance that you choose that the means are different (e.g. 10% chance, 5% change, 1% chance etc.)

If F is greater than Fcritical then it can be said with the % confidence that you chose, that the means are
