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Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

  1. #1
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    Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    I am trying to figure out how to get the WHOLE word to the left or right of an anchor term using a formula.

    For example:

    IF anchor term = 'excel formula'

    Word to left or right.PNG

    Here is a sample workbook:
    Word to Left or Right Formula.xlsx

    I'm sure this is a simple len formula but I run into issues if the word has white space in the front and back or doesn't.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert martindwilson's Avatar
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    =LEFT(TRIM(A1),FIND(" ",TRIM(A1))-1)
    =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1)," ",REPT(" ",50)),25))
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  3. #3
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    Thanks for the help. The formula is not quite right. I only need the word to the immediate left or right of the focus word.

    Example: if the phrase is "buy new home siding today now"

    I don't need:
    Left - "buy new home"
    Right - "today now"

    I do need:
    Left - "home"
    Right - "today"

    Example Output.xlsx

  4. #4
    Forum Expert martindwilson's Avatar
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    thats not clear
    chicago roof companies
    why not chicago and companies ?

  5. #5
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    Going back to my original question, I am trying to figure out how to get the WHOLE word to the left or right of an anchor term using a formula.

    Said another way, I want to get the immediate word to the left or right of another word in a phrase.

    Your formulas get the beginning word and the ending word of a phrase. That's not what I'm trying to do.

    I am trying to get the immediate word to the left and right of an ANCHOR term.

    Another example.xlsx

    In your example:
    "chicago roof companies"

    Why not chicago (left) and companies (right).

    Answer: Yes, that would be correct but only since this is a 3-word phrase.

    Let's say it was a 4-word phrase:
    "chicago IL roof companies"

    The LEFT word I want is "IL" and not "chicago" or "chicago IL". I just want the immediate word to the left of "roof" which would be "IL".

  6. #6
    Forum Expert martindwilson's Avatar
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    ok next stab.....
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    for left column
    =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(" "&TRIM(LEFT($A2,FIND("excel formula",$A2)-1))," ",REPT(" ",LEN($A2))),LEN($A2)))

    for right column
    =TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(MID($A2,FIND("excel formula",$A2)+LEN("excel formula")+1,LEN($A2))," ",REPT(" ",LEN($A2))),LEN($A2)))

  8. #8
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    Re: Excel - Get the Word to the Left or Right of Another Word (text string)

    martindwilson - thanks but when I open your solution, the "right word" formula has a #NAME? error.

    Ghozi Alkatiri - Thank you! Your solution solves finding the immediate word to the left or right of a certain word within a phrase.

    Thanks to you both for offering your time and knowledge. Rep Given.

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