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Form Based drawings?

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  1. #1
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    Form Based drawings?

    Hi guys and gals!

    I have been tasked with creating a spreadsheet to serve as an Electronic Blasting Report for use in the Explosives industry. Thus far I have the report side pretty much down pat. I am needing to simplify the "Shot Design" sheet.

    Right now its involves a "Legend" and a whole lot of Copy/Paste.

    I guess my question is: Can I have an on sheet2 open UserForm pop-up and ask the user for information about the shot such as "Number of Rows?" and "Number of Holes per Row?"
    and it draw circles onto a grid based on those answers?

    Like I said I have a Simple Copy/Paste version available to view if need be to assist in understanding what I am needing.

    Thanks for your replies and feedback in advance!


  2. #2
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Form Based drawings?


    A1 = "Number of Rows"
    A2 = "Holes Per Row"

    C1 = IF(ROW()<=$A$1,REPT("O ",$A$2),"")
    pull down for as many rows as you need

    This will draw A2 number of Os with spaces between them in A1 number of rows. (You can use a different character instead of letter "O" if you'd like).

    Well, that would be my first pass.

    If you need it to conform to a certain layout, seeing an example would be helpful.

  3. #3
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    Red face Re: Form Based drawings?


    Thanks for the rapid response. Attached is a little visual assistance on what I need the end result to look like. Although I'm open to suggestions.

    The people that will be filling this out will not be as computer savvy as most of us in here. With that said I'd like to make it as simple as I can for a novice user, while getting the greatest detail in the end result.



  4. #4
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    Re: Form Based drawings?

    I tried your formula, It put the o's all in the one cell.
    Any way to modify it where it puts one o per cell based on the Numbers of holes? Then down the columns by the number of rows?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Form Based drawings?

    In that case take a look at the attached: compares row/column to know whether it should populate a cell or not.

    I also made a scatterplot chart that reproduces the diagram more exactly, although the series will have to be re-colored etc to make them look the way you want.

    (And a bar chart for the boreholes, that was pretty straightforward).
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
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    Thumbs up Re: Form Based drawings?


    Thank you! You have given a great building block s that I can work on to get it the way I need it!
    I would give you move reputation but it will not let me give it again!

    But many thanks!

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