Unfortunately, there is no way to indirectly reference cells in a closed workbook, but with the consistency in file names and locations, it is possible to accomplish this through the use of a macro in the worksheet change event. Try this:
This code assumes that the main worksheet that you want the formulas in is saved in the same location as the ticket files themselves. If that is not the case, you will need to change the path as appropriate. It also assumes that the ticket numbers you enter are in column A. Insert this code into the sheet where you enter the ticket numbers, and it will create a formula to the right of the ticket number as you enter it that references the value in cell A1 of that ticket number. All of these parameters can be changed by changing the parts of the code that are : FrmlaCl = Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column + 1).Address to put the formula in a different cell, or Sheet1'!$A$1" to reference a different location in the ticket spreadsheet. It also assumes that the ticket spreadsheets are saved in the .xlsx format. If not, you would need to change "".xlsx]" to whatever format it is, whether ".xls" or ".xlsm" or any other excel format...
I hope this helps.