Would sb take this challenge? =)
I have made a balanced scorecard in Excel 2003.
1 sheet presents data for particular month.
The user needs to put number of the month from 1-12, so the correct results per month are displayed.
If the user puts 1 in a specific cell, results from January will appear, if 2 - February results will appear etc.
I have created formulas based on OFFSET function, so that results of specific month are shown.
However I have no idea how to make an AVERAGE for 2013 based on specific month user chooses.
In other words, if user puts 6 in specific cell, the user will see results from June 2013 and should see an average from January till June.
If it is October, the user should see an average from January till October.
Whenever the user changes the month, an average changes as well (together with monthly results).
I think it may be connected with OFFSET and/or AVERAGE formula, but I am not sure.
I would be really grateful for any help.
Pls remember this is office 2003.
Thx in advance