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Index / Match across multiple columns

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  1. #1
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    Index / Match across multiple columns

    Not sure if I have the title right. Here's what I'm looking for.

    Columns A to G contains days of the week formatted to show only the DD. Column H is the week number and may not follow standard convention. I need to input a date in Column I and have it look up the date in columns A to G and then return the week # from Column H into Column J.

    Index/Match formula as I know it is limited to indexing a range, then matching to a column in that range. Need a formula to search the entire range - A2 to G54 (or so) and return the week # from Column H.

    M T W T F S S Wk# Input Date Wk# (result)
    30 31 01 02 03 04 05 1 01/08/14 2
    06 07 08 09 10 11 12 2


  2. #2
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Index / Match across multiple columns

    If the cells really do contain the full date (eg, year+month+day) formatted to only display the days,
    the cells increment calander-like so that it increments across and then the first column in the n+1 row is the day after the last column in the nth row;
    the dates are in ascending order, eg they increase as you go down row-to-row;

    Then you can actually solve this with a regular index(match()); just use a MATCH(,,1) instead of a MATCH(,,0); guarantee it will find the row below it by knocking one day off the lookup date, and then add that row back in the index. That should just about do it, I think.

    J1 = INDEX(H1:H100, MATCH(I1 -1, G1:100, 1) +1 )

  3. #3
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    Re: Index / Match across multiple columns

    Mmmm....maybe I'm not quite getting it. And I should have attached the file to start with. Here's the file I'm working with.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Index / Match across multiple columns

    So looking at your data, everything is a function of the start date.

    So there are three logically equivalent things you could do, each of which would deliver the number you want:

    K4 = INDEX(H2:H54, MATCH(K3-1, G2:G54, 1) +1)
    //As above: compare date-1 to find the week before the week, then deliever the week after that one. Now that I test it with your data, I realize this will deliver #N/A for dates in Week 1, so I won't recommend this one.

    K4 = INDEX(H2:H54, MATCH(K3, A2:A54, 1) )
    //Finds the largest date of start-of-week that is equal to or less than the input date (eg, finds that week's Monday); then returns the matching week number.

    K4 = TRUNC((K3 - A2) / 7, 0) +1
    //No lookup!: subtracts to get the days between input and start date, then turns that into the week number since start.
    Last edited by ben_hensel; 11-05-2013 at 11:29 AM. Reason: added comments to pseudocode

  5. #5
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    Re: Index / Match across multiple columns

    EXCELLENT! Makes it easy! Either of the last 2 works just fine. Thanks Ben for your help!

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